
Healthy eating, the benefits of food, key nutrients, and a variety of diet options for balanced living.

This section covers everything about plant-based oils: their composition, smoke points, and saturated vs. unsaturated fat content. Learn which oils are best for frying (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil), which are ideal for salads (flaxseed oil, walnut oil, sesame oil), and which can be used in baking.

olive oil

Olive Oil Guide: Types, Uses, and How to Pick the Best One

Why is olive oil so popular? Olive oil is one of the most widely used and beloved oils globally, known for its rich flavor and impressive health benefits. A staple in Mediterranean cuisine – It has been an essential ingredient for centuries, not just in cooking but also in skincare...

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Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil: The Legendary Elixir of the East

Black Cumin Seed Oil, also known as Nigella Sativa Oil, has a unique composition and is rich in beneficial nutrients. Thanks to its composition, black cumin seed oil has been used in various cultures for centuries. It is known as a nutritious addition to the diet and a popular ingredient...

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flax seeds and oil

Flaxseed Oil: Properties, Benefits, and Ways to Use It

Flaxseed oil belongs to the category of polyunsaturated oils, whose benefits are primarily determined by their percentage of linolenic fatty acid (Omega-3). It ranks first in linolenic acid content, but its beneficial properties go beyond that. Flaxseed oil supports heart and brain function and contributes to skin health. Thanks to...

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Which Oil Is Best for Frying?

Many people love fried food. Of course, it’s not the healthiest option, but how healthy or harmful it is largely depends on the oil we use for frying. Frying food is generally considered unhealthy, not only because of the oil but also due to the changes that occur in food...

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