
Healthy eating, the benefits of food, key nutrients, and a variety of diet options for balanced living.

olive oil

Olive Oil Guide: Types, Uses, and How to Pick the Best One

Why is olive oil so popular? Olive oil is one of the most widely used and beloved oils globally, known for its rich flavor and impressive health benefits. A staple in Mediterranean cuisine – It has been an essential ingredient for centuries, not just in cooking but also in skincare...

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Olives: Composition, Benefits, and Uses

Olives are the fruits of the olive tree (Olea europaea), cultivated primarily in the Mediterranean region and other warm climates worldwide. They are widely used in cooking, both fresh and pickled, and serve as the primary raw material for producing olive oil. Botanically, olives are classified as drupes (stone fruits),...

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Black cumin (Nigella sativa) flower

The Power of Black Cumin Seeds: Nutrition and Cooking Uses

Black cumin (Nigella sativa) is an aromatic seed with a rich history, used in cooking and traditional practices for thousands of years. Its spicy, slightly bitter taste and nutrient-dense composition have made black cumin a popular ingredient in various cuisines around the world. These tiny black seeds not only enhance...

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Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil: The Legendary Elixir of the East

Black Cumin Seed Oil, also known as Nigella Sativa Oil, has a unique composition and is rich in beneficial nutrients. Thanks to its composition, black cumin seed oil has been used in various cultures for centuries. It is known as a nutritious addition to the diet and a popular ingredient...

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flax seeds

Flaxseeds: Composition, Benefits, and Ways to Consume

Flaxseeds are an ancient superfood valued for their rich composition and diverse beneficial properties. These small seeds contain a variety of healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a valuable addition to a well-balanced diet. Composition of Flaxseeds Flaxseeds are known for their unique combination of nutrients. The...

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flax seeds and oil

Flaxseed Oil: Properties, Benefits, and Ways to Use It

Flaxseed oil belongs to the category of polyunsaturated oils, whose benefits are primarily determined by their percentage of linolenic fatty acid (Omega-3). It ranks first in linolenic acid content, but its beneficial properties go beyond that. Flaxseed oil supports heart and brain function and contributes to skin health. Thanks to...

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Which Oil Is Best for Frying?

Many people love fried food. Of course, it’s not the healthiest option, but how healthy or harmful it is largely depends on the oil we use for frying. Frying food is generally considered unhealthy, not only because of the oil but also due to the changes that occur in food...

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Jerusalem Artichoke

Jerusalem Artichoke Composition

Jerusalem artichoke, also known as sunchoke, is a unique product. Until recently, I somehow overlooked this vegetable, but I shouldn’t have. It has numerous health benefits, and its culinary uses are remarkably diverse. Jerusalem Artichoke Composition Most of the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke are associated with its high inulin...

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Fats in Nutrition

Fats in Nutrition: Types, Properties, and Sources

Fats in Nutrition Fats are an essential component of the diet, performing numerous functions in the body: Energy source – Fats provide a long-lasting energy reserve, supplying 9 kcal per gram, making them the most energy-dense macronutrient (European Food Information Council (EUFIC)). Hormone synthesis – They are involved in the...

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Essential Amino Acids in Grains and Legumes

Essential Amino Acids: Functions, Benefits, and Best Food Sources

What Are Essential Amino Acids? We are protein-based organisms, and amino acids are the building blocks our bodies use to construct proteins. Some amino acids can be synthesized by the human body, but several essential amino acids can only be obtained from food. Why Are Essential Amino Acids Important? A...

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Carbohydrates: Types, Benefits, and Sources

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the human body, playing a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health). This article explores the types of carbohydrates, their impact on the body, and how to incorporate them into a balanced diet. Carbohydrates...

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Asparagus: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Recipes

I love this vegetable in all its forms, whether as a standalone dish or paired with other ingredients. There are countless recipes for cooking asparagus, and below, I’ll share the simplest and healthiest ones (plus a few more). But the value of asparagus isn’t limited to its taste — it’s...

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Jackfruit – The Fruit That Replaces Meat

Jackfruit (or Indian breadfruit) is an exotic fruit that impresses with its size, taste, and versatility. It is the largest edible fruit in the world and can be used both fresh and in a variety of dishes. Jackfruit is a tropical fruit native to South and Southeast Asia. It grows...

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Kiwi – The Magical Berry

Let’s start with an amazing fact: although kiwi is commonly referred to as a fruit, technically, it’s a berry. Whether it’s a fruit or a berry, kiwi is a truly unique product packed with nutrients and perfect for a balanced diet.Kiwi is a treasure trove of beneficial substances, and eating...

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Watermelon: The Refreshing Sweetness of Summer

Watermelon has a history stretching back over 5,000 years. It is believed to have originated in the deserts of Africa, where it served as a natural source of water for travelers. Ancient Egyptians even depicted watermelons in their hieroglyphs, and seeds have been found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun,...

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